Dealing with mold in your home & your body:

Let’s talk about mold:

Please note that this document is NOT medical advice. I always recommend working with a specialist one-on-one when dealing with something like mold illness.

Do you struggle with any of the following?

  • chronic pain

  • frequent urination

  • recurring headaches/migraines

  • vertigo

  • anxiety/depression

  • unexplained weight gain/ weight-loss resistance

  • gut/digestion issues

  • brain fog/memory issues

  • inflammation

  • light sensitivity

  • internal or external tremors

  • heart palpitations

  • eczema and/or psoriasis

If you answered yes to a few or more from that list, you may be dealing with mold illness. Many people with mold illness, also known as CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), either go undiagnosed completely or misdiagnosed with something like fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic anxiety etc. CIRS “is a progressive, multi-system, multi-symptom illness characterized by exposure to biotoxins. The ongoing inflammation can affect virtually any organ system of the body and, if left untreated, often becomes debilitating.”

The reality is, mold isn't good for ANYONE. Especially black mold. However, some people are definitely more susceptible to mold illness than others. From my experience, a few factors play into those who get sick from mold & those who don’t. The first factor is our genes. If you happen to have the HLA-DR gene, which 1 in 4 do, you are automatically WAY more likely to develop CIRS. The second factor is how stressed you are & how you are coping with stress. I have seen countless stories of people with the HLA-DR gene, learning how to cope with stress, and finding that they are no longer as sensitive to mold as they once were. And last, is the duration of exposure to mold. The longer you are exposed, the more likely your “toxin bucket” is to overflow, and symptoms are to come up.

Most people do not know they are being exposed to mold unless it is extremely obvious (visible mold on their bathroom tile, under the sink, in their washing machine etc.) But the sad reality is, unless you are intentionally preventing mold in your home, you most likely will deal with mold at some point. The most common cause of mold illness, is mold from water damage (i.e. damp wood being used to build your home, a leak, or flood that wasn't fully remediated, etc.) You may witness zero signs of mold, or you may notice paint rippling/cracking, wood staining, and/or a musty smell.

I know the idea of dealing with mold illness & mold remediation can be extremely intimidating. For the longest time, I didn't even want to test my home because I felt so tired & was dealing with crippling anxiety, so the idea of potentially having to move felt impossible. But I am here to say, healing from mold illness is life changing & so so worth the effort. I just took it one step at a time & that is what I would recommend. There is no need to do everything all at once, unless you miraculously have the capacity for that.

If you suspect mold illness, here is what I would recommend doing, in order:

  • Start working on your nervous system ASAP! This is a VITAL component to healing CIRS. Your body needs to know it's safe. Go to therapy, practice deep breathing & gratitude daily, consider joining a program like Primal Trust. Everyone wants to skip this step, but it's truly the most vital.

  • Get 1 or more high-quality HEPA air purifiers for your home. If you can only afford one, put it next to your bed so you can get clean air as you sleep.

  • Test your home with a HERTSMI Accu-Cloth Kit to see if you are currently living in mold & then use this calculator to see if your home is suitable for a CIRS patient.

  • If your home tests as dangerous for those with CIRS, look into moving or mold remediation as soon as possible. Mold Finders and PJ Harlow are great resources. If there is no option for you to move or remediate right away, make sure you have an air purifier & are following the other recommendations.

  • If your home tests as statistically safe, YAY! However, this doesn't mean your body doesn't still need detox support. You may have been exposed in a previous home or current/previous work place.

  • Start working with a practitioner/doctor who specializes in mold illness. There is plenty that you can do on your own to support your body, which I will share on the next page; however, working with someone who knows YOUR symptoms & sees YOUR labs will always be the most effective way to heal. There are many provider options, but I would recommend working with someone who you know has had success. I personally worked with Emily Morrow, who specializes in blood chemistry & recognizing patterns correlated with mold illness & more. She no longer accepts new clients; however, Madison who works under her is! I also saw Madison during my treatment. My sister worked with Dr. Dorninger & his team from Roots & Branches & also had great success!

Ways you can start supporting your body right away:

  • Open windows & get fresh air as much as possible! I recommend opening your windows every day for at least 15 minutes, even when it is hot or cold outside.

  • Keep air purifiers on as much as possible. If you notice you're having to change your filters super often, vacuum more regularly to avoid dust build up!

  • Start doing daily nasal rinses, even if known exposure was years ago. Mold spores can live in your nasal cavity for years & continue to cause symptoms even once you're out of mold! If you're currently living or working in mold, this is even more important! I like using a ceramic neti pot, warm filtered water & a sprinkle of sea salt or Takesumi in mine.

  • Use a propolis nasal spray nightly (after nasal rinse).

  • Switch to mold-free organic coffee. I like Equip (code: HEALTHYHONEY) & Purity (code: HEALTHYHONEY20! Most coffee has mold spores (that you cannot see), unless the company specifically tests for it!

  • Hone in on laundry hygiene: If there is mold in your washer, consider replacing or getting professionally cleaned. You will not get well if all of your clothes, linens etc. are being washed with mold spores. Moving forward, add borax to your laundry loads. Leave washing machine open when not in use to avoid locked moisture! Spray down the inside with white vinegar often.

  • If you are trying to clean visible mold from tile or other cleanable surfaces, use Benefect Botanical Decon 30 and white vinegar, NOT bleach.

  • Start drinking daily adrenal cocktails to build up your body up in depleted minerals. My favorite easy option is Minerals & Chill from Healthillie. Use code AUDREY10 for a discount!

  • Consider supplementing with liver supportive herbs & supplements such as dandelion, milk thistle, NAC, liposomal glutathione, PC & Takesumi. Again, I think it is most effective to work with a specialist when detoxing mold.

  • If your body can handle it, consider castor oil packs and/or coffee enemas to support your liver in getting rid of these toxins. I have my favorite supplies linked on this list.

Let’s talk about a healthy mindset around mold:

One more thing I want to share is how important it is not let fear rule your life, especially when it comes to mold. Something my practitioner told me that has brought me a lot of comfort over the years is, “mold grows where it’s dark & damp. But the Lord is our LIGHT.” Realizing your home has mold and/or that you have mold illness, can be extremely daunting. When I was healing, I quickly realized how my sensitivity to mold impacted my day-to-day life. It impacted our process of buying a home, it impacted my ability to travel & stay wherever, it impacted what types of items I purchased for our home & more. And to be honest, it still impacts my life quite a bit. HOWEVER, I try really hard to not let it rule my life. To recognize that the more I heal, the more my body will be able to handle. And to remember to put more energy into connecting with God, my healer, and healing my nervous system, than worrying about mold!

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