Boost the benefits of your bath with these recipes!

My Great Grandma Ida used to tell my mom that she believed a bath could cure just about anything. Feeling sick? Take a bath. Have a headache? Take a bath. Feeling sad? Take a bath. Can’t sleep? Take a bath. My mom said she would take 2 baths per day! She actually ended up passing away in her favorite spot — the bathtub!

And I think I must take after her, because baths are truly my FAVORITE way to care for myself. Not only are baths a great place to decompress & process the day, it is also an extremely effective way to get minerals into your body! I have a few different recipes I use depending on what I want support in & have written them out below. In addition to the recipes below, I will often add pure therapeutic grade essential oils for a lovely scent & emotional support — I NEVER add salts, soaps, or bath bombs with artificial fragrance. If you like bubbles, this is a fun & clean one to add in! If you do not have a full house water filter, I also recommend getting a filter for your bathtub to avoid soaking in chemicals, pharmaceuticals etc. that are found in standard City Water.


Stress Support Bath: Add 2 cups of Epsom Salts to a warm bath.

Clear Skin Bath: Add 2 cups of Dead Sea Salt & 1/2 cup organic Apple Cider Vinegar to a warm bath.

Depletion Support Bath: Add 2 cups of Dead Sea Salt, 1 cup of Epsom Salts & 1/2 cup of baking soda to a warm bath.

Detox Bath: Mix 1/4 cup Aztec Clay into a bowl with 1 cup of warm water. Add this mixture, 2 cups of Epsom Salts & 1 cup of organic Apple Cider Vinegar to a warm bath.

Hormone Support Bath: Add 2 cups of Epsom Salt, 1 cup of baking soda & a small sprinkle of borax (for Boron) to a warm bath.

Break the Fever “Hygiene” Bath: Add 1 cup of Morton’s Canning Salt and ~1 tablespoon Lugol’s Iodine to a warm bath.

I recommend soaking in the bath for at least 20 minutes (ideally 30+) to let all the mineral goodness fully soak into your body! Please note: This is not medical advice. It is not advised that you take hot baths while pregnant. It is also advised that you avoid detoxing while pregnant or breastfeeding.

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