I never knew my hair could tell me so much about my health…

I never knew my hair could tell me SO much about my health!

When I got my HTMA test back, I was absolutely blown away by my results. For those of you who don't know, the HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) is a non-invasive pathology test that involves taking a small sample of hair and sending it to a lab to be tested & then those results are sent to your practitioner to interpret. It allows a view into your body's nutritional state, heavy metal load, and mineral ratios. Mineral ratios are indicators of your body’s adrenal function, thyroid function, carbohydrate metabolism, and your overall ability to handle stress.

After a year of intense healing from mold illness I was feeling pretty good, but was still having some lingering symptoms of fatigue and PMS. Knowing that these symptoms lined up with mineral imbalance, I decided I wanted to do an HTMA test! Sure enough, I am VERY depleted.

Here is a photo of my individual mineral results:

As you can see, I am deficient in the four main minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium & potassium.

This pattern is called “the four lows” and basically means I have been stressed (physically and mentally) for far too long and need to focus on resting & nourishing my body with the correct mineral-rich foods. When looking at my mineral ratios (not pictured) I am also able to see that I struggle with low blood sugar (sensitivity to carbs) & that I have a sluggish thyroid and adrenals. What is so interesting is that my thyroid ratio on my HTMA leans heavily towards hypothyroid, even though my bloodwork shows no issue with my thyroid… Have you ever gotten bloodwork done and been told everything looks great even though you feel terrible? Ya, me too. THAT is why I love the HTMA test – it catches imbalances within the body that even bloodwork can't pick up on.

With this information, I was able to build myself a bio-individualized protocol that will help bring my individual mineral levels up & my ratios into equilibrium. Having this data is extremely motivating because I have scientific evidence that my body needs extra support right now & know exactly what kind of support to give it!

If you are struggling with fatigue, depression, anxiety, low stress tolerance, hormonal imbalances, weight struggles, digestive issues and/or thyroid related symptoms – chances are your minerals are imbalanced! And as you may know, I am now offering HTMA testing & analysis as a service within my health coaching practice and would LOVE to help you get to the root cause of your symptoms!

You can check out my offers & purchase services here! Please do not hesitate to reach out via my "Contact" page with ANY questions.


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